Accruing Acclaim: The Ascendancy of Cumgirl8 and “The 8th Cumming”
#cumgirl8 #vinyl #indiemusic
Based off Manhattan- Sex-positivity, alien-esque personality, multi-artistic abilities, these attributes aptly supply the description for the United States’ post-punk ensemble, Cumgirl8. A quartet by composition, the group comprises of Lida Fox, Veronika Vilim, Avishag Cohen Rodrigues, and Chase Lombardo, who’s also known by his pseudonym, Chase Noelle. Since the group’s inception in 2019, they have channelled their bubbling internal emotions and opposition to societal constructs such as patriarchy and capitalism into creative outlets, music being a primary and powerful medium. Their artistic aura envelops and transcends across music, film, publishing, and even fashion.
Encapsulating their unique space in the music industry is the much-anticipated upcoming debut studio album; “The 8th Cumming”. Slated for release on October 4, 2024, the adverse impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic was just a stepping stone in their musical journey. The experience spawned the creation of The 1-900, an unfiltered YouTube talk show that enunciates a wide array of sociopolitical topics, with an assortment of guests appearing via webcam.
Even more impressionably, “The 8th Cumming” paints an apocalyptic representation of the delicate balance and intricate relationship between nature and technology, wielding the fundamentals of cyberfeminism. The entire album, which was recorded using analogue technology, interweaves the concepts of an online and physical existence from an end-of-the-world viewpoint.
Tracks’ juxtaposing contrasts set this album apart. The sonic oscillations tread the bleak and bright spectrum, from the obscure industrial and gothic trajectories akin to the work of John Carpenter, to romance-filled synth-wave that reminds one of Chris & Cosey or Suicide’s explorations. The band’s musical palette has broad inklings of various artists from Miss Kittin, Delta 5 to Siouxie and the Banshees. Every track teases this diverse musical landscape, treading the line between the ultra-realistic and completely surreal.
Contrasting to the sociopolitical basis of the previous albums, the grit and resolve of the artists shine through this album. Tracks like ‘Karma Police’ and ‘ahhhh!hhhh! (I don’t wanna go)’ display this nascent exploration of vulnerabilities, activism, and the driving will behind their creation. They invite audiences to navigate complicated themes while challenging their creative limitations. Cumgirl8 is more than a band; it’s a holistic experience.
The group’s musical visitation is not confined to just albums and mixtapes. In a celebration and promotion of “The 8th Cumming”, they have also announced a line-up of performances across the UK, Europe and North America slated to run to the end of the year. Countries on the roster include France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, and Belgium, culminating in the UK with major cities earmarked. London fans are in for a treat as the city hosts the final London headline show at The Underworld on December 5. The full list of dates is yet to be revealed.
By tying their opposition to societal stereotypes, unabashed exploration of complexities, and a unique multi-artistic personality together, Cumgirl8 truly represents a new-age band breaking ground with its debuts like “The 8th Cumming”. The band, by flipping societal stereotypical scripts, brings a fresh and much-needed perspective to the music industry.
Learn more about Cumgirl8