Electronic Synthesis: The Artistic Journey of “Whatever The Weather II” in 2025
#lorainejames #vinyl #indiemusic
“Whatever The Weather” alias of electronic muse Loraine James, is set to elevate the music scene with the sequel to her acclaimed album, “Whatever The Weather II”. Scheduled to be unveiled on the 14th of March, 2025, this intriguing new long-player is designed to indulge and captivate listeners with an elaborate assembly of entrancing atmospheric sequences, pulsating rhythms, and ingenious applications of diaristic field recordings.
The second magnum opus from “Whatever The Weather”, “Whatever The Weather II”, reveals a definitive deviation into warmer terrains, compared to its frostier precursor. This shift finds its reflection in the album’s presentation – while the first LP bore the chilly hint of an Arctic landscape on its cover, its follow-up reveals the bare, harsh allure of a desert environment.
Born in Enfield, North London, Loraine James emerged as “Whatever The Weather” after a remarkable blend of her musical journey. Throughout her career, she coalesced the potency of her concrete experiences, emanating from her humble beginnings in an Alma Estate tower block, and influences from IDM maestros such as Squarepusher and Telefon Tel Aviv. The incorporation of these multiform elements from James’s journey creates an art form that bridges the gap between the real and the abstract.
In this new album, James facilitates the implication of high-frequency fluctuations and simplistic yet subtly sophisticated synthesizer harmonies to generate a unique blend of organic and machine-made elements. The eminent Josh Eustis, known by music aficionados as Telefon Tel Aviv, has lent his audio mastering expertise to add a sharp edge to James’ meandering sonic tapestry. The combination of their skills brings a fascinating three-dimensional musical experience to the fore.
“Whatever The Weather II” gently opens the auditory door with the lead single “12°C”. In the midst of the bustling human quests, it transposes into an uncanny combination of rhythm and melody, forming a soul-stirring sonic spectrum. An aspect that resonates throughout the album, each composition offers an inversive appeal. It seems to reverse the conventional norms, painting a vivid negative film-like image with a display of melodic intelligence, wit, and expertise.
James’s previous exploits as “Whatever The Weather” have demonstrated her affinity to label her compositions based on the ‘emotional temperature’ they resonate at the time of their creation. A testament to her adaptability as an artist, this method encapsulates her journey from an admirer of Death Cab for Cutie to shaping her niche among IDM enthusiasts, with the influence of her contemporaries complementing her unique storytelling.
Drawing inspiration from American composer Julius Eastman, the game-changing maestro of the 2000s, James has firmly marked her territory in the space of non-conforming, avant-garde music. She uses her musical alias to embark on an inward journey, isolating the listener in her intricate world of auditory wonders. This pattern continues with “Whatever The Weather II”, as James teases the listeners with the allure of her upcoming musical universe, ready to surprise and stir emotional currents. Touches of other impressive artists are dispersed throughout the album, creating a cornucopia that’s both familiar and fresh.
In essence, “Whatever The Weather II” is a testament to Loraine James’ ability to interpret, reinvent, and seamlessly fuse the world around her – both physical and spiritual – into an immersive electronic soundscape. The album resonates with elements reminiscent of other gifted artists such as Lila Tirando a Violeta and Tardast, yet retains its unique character. Serving as a symbolic conduit between the humdrum of human life and the vast expanse of the cosmos, “Whatever The Weather II” upholds Loraine James as a beacon of innovative music.